I don’t know about you guys, but I have some SERIOUS festive fever. It’s my first December in London, and I cannot get over how magical this city feels. Once Halloween was over, things really started to heat up on the X-mas front. London legit pulls out ALL the stops. From the decorations on shopping streets like Oxford and Carnaby, to each hotel trying to out-do the next with the tallest tree, I can’t say I’ve ever been more excited about the…
Damn, I can't believe it's already that time of year! This week is that weird in-between week - those few days that fall smack in the middle of Thanksgiving and December where you sortttt of feel like you can catch your breath? You know, right before the madness of Christmas parties, holiday travel, and overload on family time begins? I don't know about you, but I'm caffeinating hard this week, getting organized, and planning ahead so the…
Delicate, dainty, gold on gold EVERYTHING. When it comes to jewelry, the more minimalist (in my book), the better. I first discovered Astrid Miyu, a UK based Jewelry brand, on a trip across the pond last year. I stumbled into their pop-up shop in Shoreditch after a day of exploring London and literally fell in LOVE. Their designs are flawless, simple, and this perfect mix of classic and edgy.…