This week, I’d like to share a little tale from this past Sunday. What was supposed to be a beautiful sunny day of music and spontaneity on Randall’s Island for Governor’s Ball quickly turned into, well, rain, lots of rain. Yup, the Gov Ball website proceeded to let me and my ladies know that the festival was CANCELED due to weather (Ughhh, you mean no Kanye?!).
So there we were, sitting at brunch that morning (which was essentially IN a church). No, I’m not kidding – Sunday mass was literally happening next door. Not gonna lie, we all felt a tad inappropriate half dressed in our #govballnyc getups cursing about the torrential rain #sorrymom.
Welp, despite the weather royally screwing our day, we made the best of things. With the help of the ladies from French Connection, Jess of Prosecco and Plaid, and Cait from How Do You Wear That, our girl gang actually killed it. There we were, decked out in our FC outfits (frizzy hair and all), frolicking around Manhattan for a photoshoot while frantically looking for #KIMYE. Lesson learned….always have a plan B, and an extra can of dry shampoo on hand.
Oh, and shop all our looks via the widget below!
Photos by: Craig MacKay
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