It’s my faaaaavorite time of year. Not only is it almost my birth month, but it’s the season of non-stop holiday parties and festivities. I love the air of excitement that comes with this time of year, not to mention, it’s the perfect excuse to get all glammed up. My favorite moments are the ones where I can get ready slowly, relishing any extra minutes I have before the holiday party chaos begins.
See below for my top tips for throwing yourself a little beauty pregame – because DAMN girl, you deserve to be pampered.
1. Pour yourself a little bubbly! Because a little buzz never hurt anyone.
2. Throw on Solange or Frank Ocean to really set the moooood. The new Alicia Keys album is also fire.
3. Slip into something a little more comfortable. Relax in your most comfiest robe and plan your outfit ahead! It’ll save you a lot of last minute stress and allow you to enjoy a few extra minutes getting ready.
4. Light yourself the most delicious candle you can find for a chic ambiance.
5. Apply a 10 minute face mask – If you don’t have a mask handy, apply some coconut or face oil and let it set in before you put your makeup on to give you that dewy glow.
Thanks to Shopbop for collaborating with me on this post!
Photos By: Lisa Richov
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